How To Easy Skyrocket Traffic With Keyword Research For SEO

 Keyword Research for SEO

Have you ever wondered how keyword research is done?

In general, the best way to compete for a keyword is by performing keyword research for SEO to check the content type of the top-ranking pages, and follow suit.

Word of caution: search intent isn’t always this clear.

There are volatile SERPs which, in general, may not require as many links. However, retaining rankings on these kinds of SERPs is unpredictable.

On the other hand, there are also stable SERPs that will likely require more quality links than the competition and where retaining position is often more predictable.

Everything in this post will help you build more confidence as you learn how to drive more traffic to your offer.

So without further ado Let’s dive right in…

I know that you may be wondering how to find keywords that drive tons of traffic & which you can rank for.

The answer is targeting long-tail topics which can help you rank and drive traffic to your website.

Note that long-tail keywords aren’t about “word length.”

Long-tail keywords are those three and four keyword phrases that are very, very specific to whatever you are selling and search demand as a group.

Finding long-tail topics comes down to two things:

  • How much search traffic does a page get?
  • Which keywords contribute to #1 and how many?

The easiest way to find long-tail topics is to look at your competitors’ traffic-generating pages.

You can do this by using Ahrefs’ Site Explorer.

Type in a competitor’s domain name and go to the “Top Pages” report and look at Your Competitor’s traffic-generating Pages and see how well the results are.

You should visit the competitor’s traffic-generating pages to find topics that have traffic and or business potential.

1. Identify Search Intent for Your Keyword (Via Google)

Identify the keyword research for your keyword by analyzing the top 10 Google search results for the query.

2. Determine If You Can Fulfill the Search Intent

It then comes down to the question: Can you serve search intent?

  • If your answer is no, move on.
  • If your answer is yes, then assess ranking difficulty.

3. Manually Assess Ranking Difficulty (Link Profile + On-Page)

While Ahrefs provides a Keyword Difficulty score (a weighted average of the number of linking domains to the current top‐10 ranking pages plotted on a logarithmic scale from 0 to 100), you should assess keyword difficulty manually for best results.

Furthermore, make sure to evaluate the link quality and on-page factors on the top-ranking pages for your chosen topic.

And ask yourself will you be able to build better more quality links than them?

Don’t spend too much time trying to outperform Links from Authority sites they are important but aren’t everything.

The goal is to rank high for just as many keywords or more to maximize search traffic, and this usually boils down to your content.

Write about whatever Google deems is “rank-worthy” for that topic.

Google’s job is to serve search intent best. So that, too, becomes your job.

4. See Which Common Keywords the Top 3 Pages Rank for (Content Gap Analysis at Page Level)

The common usage for content gap analysis is to search for a couple of competitor keyword rankings and then find out which keywords they rank for and which you don’t.

As any successful Authority website owner knows, keyword research for SEO has been an ongoing process.
How to Choose SEO Keywords with Confidence when Research for SEO is Non-negotiable and Incredibly
Important for your ranking.

But when you do content gap analysis at the page level, you’re going to get additional insights.

Using Ahrefs’ Content Gap Analysis tool, just enter the top three ranking pages for your target keyword and then check the box that says “At least one of the targets should rank in the top 10.”

The best way to demonstrate how I use this tool when doing keyword research for SEO is with an example.


Leave the section “But the following target doesn’t rank for” blank just because you’re trying to find common keywords research for SEO within the top three ranking pages for your target keyword.

Click on Show Keywords and you’ll see common pages that these pages rank for.

This makes your job a little easier.

5. Outline/Content Around These Keyword Rankings

Rather than looking at the keywords, you found on the Content Gap Analysis tool as simply a “list of keywords,” use these terms to form an outline for your content based on how Google sees intent.

For instance, if you’re looking at “Best Watch Brands” as your target keyword, you’ll get the following related keyword research on the Content Gap Analysis.


6. Build Links

Building links to your newly created content can help boost your organic search traffic significantly.

7. Rinse & Repeat

Repeat the process and iterate as needed.

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Part of keyword research for SEO is taking the keywords that clients provide and using them to determine answers to questions.

The next step for keyword research for SEO is using Google-related search results. Time spent doing keyword research for SEO is pretty much useless unless those keywords are used in the content.

SEO can nurture web visitors into customers, so long as the approach and strategies are aligned to achieve this goal.

Of course, other than these basic SEO tips, there are many other ways that SEO can help drive traffic to your website.
Depending on the nature of the business or the theme of your blog or news portal, SEO can help you increase the number of clients and readers.

By optimizing content for targeted, non-branded keywords, SEO can help increase Quality Scores, increase Ad Rank, and lower Cost-Per-Click (CPC) bids, leading to increased traffic at a decreased price.

I Know That Keyword Research For SEO Is Important and With Ahrefs, a good starting point for keyword research is the Keywords Explorer tool.

On the other hand searches engines like Google and Bing use keywords and entities, and also the relationships
between them to grasp search intent.

If a webpage contains the keywords somebody has wont to search, then it signals to the search engines
that it may well be a decent result.

As a result, Google and alternative search engines don’t recommend you stuff keywords into your

The bots investigate alternative signals, like entities, and links, and then on to determine the simplest potential results for any given search term.

So to recap by using the tools available when doing keyword research for SEO and targeting long-tail keywords for your content you will have a much better chance of ranking in search engines.

Now it’s your turn – tell me what you’re favorite SEO tool is and how it’s helped you get more traffic.

4 thoughts on “How To Easy Skyrocket Traffic With Keyword Research For SEO

  1. Keyword research is the very first step before writing any article. I recently find some keywords with low competition that I am trying to rank for.

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