13 New Ways To Better Seo Copywriting Tips For Beginners


When it comes to copywriting, there is a lot of information available and not every tip will work for every site. However, with that in mind, you also need to keep an open mind and try new things as well. If you are just starting out or you want to stand out from the rest then read on for some new tips to help you with your SEO copywriting. If you’ve ever read any of my other articles, you’ll know that I am a big believer in testing different things and seeing what works best for your site. So If you are interested in improving your SEO copywriting then continue reading for some new ways to do so.

And in today’s post, I’ll show you exactly How

Let’s dive right in

Have a look at your competition

For most of us, our main competitor is the next person in line to try and rank for a similar keyword; this means that most of our copywriting tips are aimed at trying to beat them on that keyword and ranking higher than them. When you are starting out, you should try to beat the people in your industry, but when you get more advanced, you can start to take the lead on others in your niche, but this takes time and you need to have a solid foundation first. Start by looking at your competitor’s ranking, especially first and second-page results, and see where they are coming from and what they have been doing to rank for these keywords. You can also see which topics seem to be performing well for them, and which keywords in your niche are you missing out on.

Be more conversational and use short paragraphs

One of the most important copywriting tips for beginners is to always focus on the target audience when crafting content.

Most of us start out our copywriting with long paragraphs and paragraphs of facts, figures, and data and none of that really helps the reader get to know your site or the benefits of using their service. Instead, try to write more in the style of how you would speak to someone if you were writing a letter to your ideal customer. In your emails, you want to: – Get their attention straight away and make them want to read on – Tell them how they can benefit from your services – Keep them interested and engaged by adding positive affirmations – Also add in hints of urgency if you feel it is appropriate And this is all just in the first few paragraphs. You can then follow this up with more facts, figures, and data or you can keep the rest of your content shorter and more conversational. You can also add short paragraphs for subheadlines and headlines. You can see how this can improve your content and also make it more relevant to your reader.

Try out storytelling for your copywriting

Copywriting is a powerful tool that can be used to craft compelling stories that capture the attention of an audience. One of the best ways to increase the readability of your content and make it more engaging for your readers is to use storytelling. This can be in the form of a chronological format, an anecdote, or even an example. When you are writing your copy, you want to try and get your reader to imagine themselves in that reader’s mind; you want them to picture themselves as the reader and then start to put them in the story. Start with a hook, the main idea of your article that will get your reader hooked and intrigued. Then use that hook throughout your article and use it in your subheadlines and headlines. Next, take the reader on a journey through your content by adding visuals, statistics, and facts to back up your points. You can also use metaphors and examples throughout your writing prompts to give your copy more depth and make it more engaging.

Use keywords in your headlines and subheadlines

One of the best ways to boost your SEO score with your headlines is to use keywords. Although you might want to avoid using too many keywords within one headline, you can use a few at the start of your headlines to get your reader hooked. Then, throughout your copy, you want to use these keywords in your subheadlines, paragraphs, and even images. You can also use these keywords throughout your body text as well. This makes your content more relevant to your reader and gives them exactly what they are looking for. You can also use these keywords in your titles to boost your SEO score even further.

Test color contrast and use it to your advantage

When it comes to SEO copywriting, you want to try and make your content as easy to read and absorb as possible, but you also want to make sure that your reader is getting the message and the benefits of using your services. So you want to make sure that your reader can read and absorb the content and benefit from it, you also want to make sure that the writing tips are not being overshadowed by the colors that you are using. Blue text on a purple background is going to be harder to read than blue text on a white background and you want to make sure that you are using the contrast to your advantage. Blue text on a white background is the easiest to read of all the colors, but red, yellow, and purple all have certain color contrast issues that will make them harder to read, if not impossible to read.

Don’t just rely on keywords when writing your content

When you are starting out, it’s easy to just rely on using keywords in your articles and even in your headline tags, but this is not going to give you the best results. Instead, you should be aiming for a more engaging and conversational copywriting style. You also want to try and keep your articles short, but in-depth and focused, which is something you can do by avoiding the use of long paragraphs. You can also then keep your articles from falling into the trap of only listing out facts, figures, and data. Instead, you want to try and mix up your writing style a little bit and add in more stories and anecdotes to make your writing ideas more engaging for your readers. You can also try and add more humor as well, this can really help to keep your audience engaged.

copywriting for beginners

Copywriting for beginners can be a daunting task, but it is a necessary skill for anyone looking to create content for their business or website. Copywriting is the process of writing persuasive content that speaks to a target audience. It is important to understand the needs and wants of the target audience and craft copy that speaks to them in an engaging and effective way. It is also important to understand the basics of grammar, spelling, and sentence structure as well as SEO best practices when writing copy. With practice, copywriting can become a powerful tool to help any business reach its goals.


There are many ways to improve your SEO copywriting and one method that you should try out is to try and be more conversational and also use shorter paragraphs. If your site is not performing as well as you would like, then these tips will help you improve the readability of your site and make it easier for people to read and understand. When it comes to SEO copywriting, the more you experiment and test out different things, the better you will get at it and the more successful your campaigns will become. If you keep trying new things and experimenting, you will eventually find what works best for your site and be able to rank for keywords at a higher level.

Which strategy from today’s post are you going to try? Let me know in the comment