8 Best Resources To Become A Social Media Strategist

How do social media strategists continue to be successful in their business working only a few hours a day you may be asking yourself?

As a person who wants to utilize social media as an avenue to promote a business or your brand, you should be mindful of the many tools that are available online to help your social experience go smoothly.

Not sharing content frequently on social media is important for staying updated and on the mind of your audience. Nevertheless, several businesses struggle to seek the time to manage their daily social media posts.

While sharing timely posts live is very important, pre-scheduling social media posts allow you to manage tools for the post to go out scheduling while saving you time.

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Social Media Strategist And Best Management Tools

I know how important planning your posts additionally helps you to align your posts with future promotions and topics on your selling calendar.

However not least, coming up with and planning your posts previously time will provide you with peace of mind from the concern of being behind on your post.

But with all the tools out there, however, knowing how to use the right tool for your business is key to your success.

 Let’s take look at a few of our favorite management tools you’ll be wanting to see out:

Keep reading, and you will discover what tool the pro is using to enhance their landing pages


You may be already using this great tool but for those of you who are not aware of what buffer is it’s a tool that allows you to post to some of the social media platforms, you may already have an account with in advance.

It also contains an analytical program that allows you to monitor what activity you got on certain posts and the best times to post.

Obviously, It has a few other unique tools such as a browser extension for easy posting and has become a trustworthy name in social media management.


You know when we create a new article to share on social media you can effectively change the look of your link with a link shortener using Bit.ly.

social media strategist

This is a great handy tool, especially for Twitter being limited to only 140 characters.


I know you’re trying to grow your brand and reach your audience through social media. Oktopost seamlessly pushes social media data to your marketing automation
software so you can improve the way you nurture and attract new customers.


If you utilize Twitter for attracting more followers and promoting your business, Tweepi is a great tool to add to your arsenal, as it targets users on Twitter that engage with your Twitter account.

Certainly, when using Twitter to locate users you should definitely be interacting on a daily basis as it can be one of your most important factors for growing your followers as well as your business.

“Do not follow where the path leads, Rather go where there is no path, and leave a trail.” – David Perkins

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Finding top influencer alone can become very time consuming and take away another part of your marketing strategy and this tool allows you to easily reach out and connect with them.


Facebook is another great platform as this tool engage users that are interacting the most with your Facebook page.

Not to mention a complete analytics for your pages. You can see post statistics and trending topics within your Facebook without having to log in to your Google analytic.


Hootsuite is a free tool with a Pro option that helps you track and manage your posts.

Not only does it allow you to manage what others are saying about your brand and enables you to interact with your accounts, but it also allows you to schedule posts on multiple social media channels.

Hootsuite also has the ability to curate content to help with your content marketing efforts as well as schedule posts in bulk. Their auto-scheduler will also suggest ideal times to post content, based on your followers’ online activities.

The free version lets you manage up to three social media platforms. If you need to manage more, you can upgrade to the professional version for $9.99/month.


This tool helps in replacing the common functional keywords with the hashtags that helps to improve the results while scheduling your posts.


It is very important to know and understand what the consumer’s view about your brand is, what is being said and what the consumer requirements are. Brand24 convey real-time info on your brand as well as your competitor brands. This repeated approach can help you successfully take action to optimistic and pessimistic remarks across your social networking platforms. This way you can remain connected with your audience, in addition, to efficiently measure any prospective sales opening.

Content Tips

Your fans/ followers want to be updated with what’s latest but that does not mean you overload them with redundant stuff. While sharing memes and viral content are definitely a part of successful Social Media Strategy.

I also wanted to inform you that posting too much or too little can kill your followers (not literally) and affect your business. Inform your followers, don’t intimidate them. Creating a perfect balance between how many numbers of posts you must share depends on how much interactive the content really is.

For instance, social media channels of sports brands need to have instant updates, so in that case, there is no limit to how much you can share because your followers want to know every bit of stuff happening in the sports world.

Followers wish to understand they’re obtaining within scoop and to-the-minute updates on what you’re up to along with your social media. It’s sort of a reward for being an energetic follower to understand the massive news initial, before anyone else.

These are just some of many tools you should already have in your arsenal as a social media expert and utilizing them well to grow your social media pages and potentially reach your audience.

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